sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012

Pregnancy pains

Pregnancy pains
From the softest to the most painful. "The pain in pregnancy changes are usual, but not mandatory," explains Daniela Maeyama, obstetrician and gynecologist at Hospital Sao Luiz in Sao Paulo, and specialist in human reproduction. There are several factors that contribute to the appearance, such as maternal weight and fitness, and the size of the baby and the woman fattening over prenatal care. check the most frequent.

1 - Pain in breasts
This discomfort is common, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. At that stage, the breasts swell. The reason? They are preparing for breastfeeding. "Not all pregnant women complain about that. For some, it becomes imperceptible," says the obstetrician and gynecologist Daniela Maeyama. Besides the size, the breasts still suffer other changes, not painful, but noticeable, as the darkening of the nipple and the areola and increased local blood supply.

2 - Pelvic Pain
Quite common, it happens because of growth and hardening of the uterus during pregnancy. "Most of the time, is not related to any disease, but with the contractions that women have during pregnancy," explains Mariano Tamura, gynecologist and obstetrician at Albert Einstein Hospital . This pain intensity and location varies according to the period of pregnancy. "Increases especially when the baby starts descent from top to bottom of the basin,"

3 - Backache
The discomfort is due to the weight of the belly, as the pregnancy progresses. To sustain the body, it is natural that women change its axis, projects the chest forward and spread legs. "It is a new position that the body is for balance. And it strong enough muscles of the lower back," says Mariano Tamura. That is, it's a pain totally predictable.

4 - Pain in the groin
"They appear usually around the 26th week and occurs because, at that stage, the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid already added considerable weight on the pelvis," explains Daniela Maeyama obstetrician. This overload the muscles and compresses them with vessels and nerves. Insofar as pregnancy progresses, so the discomfort tends to increase. "After 34 weeks, the weight is even greater. At this stage, babies are gain 300g every seven days," added the gynecologist at Hospital Sao Luiz. How to reduce the problem? With enough rest. Also make use of some specific types of belt for pregnant women. In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

5 - Headache
"The pattern of hormonal pregnancy predisposes women to have drowsiness and malaise. But the headache itself," explains Mariano obstetrician Tamura. What can happen is the increasing swelling, fluid buildup that affects the whole body. Because of this, the pregnant woman is more prone to have, for example, sinusitis and hence a headache. "The headache may also occur in the first weeks after conception due to hormonal adaptation phase and especially in women with a history of frequent headaches and migraine,"  Still, it's a warning: if permanent and severe, the pain should be investigated to make sure that there is nothing worse.

6 - Colic
The cramps are normal and are present in every moment of pregnancy. Initially, it is linked to the growth of the uterus and after the contractions. "But it should always be reported to the doctor. If you feel severe cramping accompanied by vaginal bleeding," warns the obstetrician Mariano Tamura.

Remember that, depending on the time of pregnancy, cramps may signal that the time is coming the baby is born. "At the end of pregnancy, it is common to feel mild cramping and short-term, but if they are continuous, last more than 45 seconds and rhythmic (one every three minutes), it can be a sign that a woman is going into labor childbirth, "says Daniela Maeyama.

7 - Articulations pain
The articulation pain are associated with the accumulation of fluid in the articulations, common in this phase. And that causes pain because it leaves some pinched nerves, and impair the mobility of the fingers. "So it is very common to feel pain or numbness in the extremities, very common in the hands and may even let the woman more embarrassed," explains Mariano Tamura.

8 - Leg pain
A pregnant woman's body burden and especially your cardiovascular system. And that's where the bumps appear and leg pain. "The movement is slower," explains Daniela Maeyane obstetrician. In the heat, the swelling becomes more evident and brings home a great benefit. What helps this stage: practice a physical activity such as walking, the use of elastic stockings from mild to medium compression, physical therapy and lymphatic drainage. "Fluid intake stimulates kidney function and this also contributes to the reduction of swelling" recommends Daniela. It should also avoid salty foods.

9 - Stomach Pains
Think in pregnancy, every day that the baby grows, there is less space within you. So it is so common that tight feeling in the stomach. In this phase, also the digestive system slows down and thus the expectant mother feel filled with a smaller amount of food. The result are heartburn and reflux. To avoid this, doctors recommend that pregnant women eat small amounts at short intervals. "Do not lie down immediately after a meal, especially at night. On the same mechanical issues. This position, the food is easier to come back," advises the gynecologist Mariano Tamura.

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