sábado, 3 de novembro de 2012

Ectopic Pregnancy Definition

Ectopic Pregnancy Definition

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy complication that occurs when the fertilized egg implants in a tissue outside of the uterus. Usually an ectopic pregnancy arises in one of the fallopian tubes (egg canals that lead to the ovary uterus), being known as a tubal pregnancy. Can sometimes arise in the abdomen, ovary or cervix (cervix). An ectopic pregnancy cannot survive, and the growing tissue can be responsible for the destruction of some nearby structures as well as lead to great losses of blood and put women's lives at risk. This type of complication happens 1/100 pregnancies.

How to get pregnant fast?
Factors contributing to an ectopic pregnancy

There are several factors that can contribute to an ectopic pregnancy, however this complication can arise even in the absence of risk factors. The greatest risk factors are:

-An ectopic pregnancy passed
-Anatomical abnormalities in the fallopian tubes
-A history of pelvic inflammatory diseases like chlamydia
-Tubal surgery, as the reversal of a sterilization process
-Design for taking the pill or IUD use
-Fertility treatment, such as ovulation induction or IVF


An ectopic pregnancy can seem like a normal pregnancy the home-pregnancy test gives positive and the initial symptoms can be similar: lack of time, tautness, nausea and fatigue. Among others, the most common symptoms are:

Some vaginal bleeding especially if it's dark and watery
Abdominal pain
Cramping on one side of the pelvis
Palpable painful mass on horns or ovaries

If the fallopian tube to rupture symptoms include:

Acute pain in the pelvis, abdomen, shoulder or neck.
Lightheaded and falling blood pressure

If you experience some of these symptoms should contact a doctor urgently. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, especially if it occurs in one of the fallopian tubes, which can cause rupture, causing internal bleeding.
Diagnosis and tests

If there is any suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, a premature diagnosis is crucial. To confirm the diagnosis is necessary to do a pelvic examination confirming the pains and checking if there is some kind of mass in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. This diagnosis is confirmed by an ultrasound and transvaginal usually by blood tests. A larascopia may be useful to the doctor to check the fallopian tubes and the pelvis, confirming whether or not the diagnosis.

To ensure the health and life of women, the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is ectopic tissue removal. If the ectopic pregnancy is detected at an early stage, can be given medications to prevent cell growth and dissolve the remaining existing cells. After administration of these medicines is monitored through blood tests to check if the hormones that indicate a pregnancy still exist in blood or not.

If the ectopic pregnancy not to respond to drug treatments or if you are in a more advanced state, a laparoscopy may be needed. It will require a small incision in the lower abdomen, and then inserted a small tube with a camera on the end to observe the area and to remove the ectopic tissue. If the damage is significant it may be necessary to remove the fallopian tube. If the bleeding is very large and the fallopian tube has been a disruption, you may need to do an abdominal incision. In some cases the tube can be repaired.

When you have an ectopic pregnancy, the risks also come with it. The treatment of an ectopic pregnancy can lead to loss of reproductive organs, or even to infertility. If you removed one of the fallopian tubes the probability of becoming pregnant decreases by 50%. If you treat the risks are even greater, since there could be internal bleeding that can lead to life-threatening. Usually after having an ectopic pregnancy is likely to have another if you decide to get pregnant is 15 to 20%. In this case, it is usually advised to do an early ultrasound at around 7 weeks of gestation, to determine if the pregnancy is ectopic or not.

An ectopic pregnancy cannot be properly prevent, however can decrease the risk factors by limiting the number of sexual partners use condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent risks of communicable diseases and infectious diseases.

The reality is that probably before knowing she was with an ectopic pregnancy, found that her pregnancy was a normal pregnancy, and the sense of loss is something inevitable. The loss that can feel can vary, your body will be in great hormonal changes, which can make you feel very emotional and fragile. If the tears and sadness to invade is not surprised, this is normal. May take some time until you feel stabilized, but be generous and give time to time, and don't forget to share your feelings with whom you love.
Get pregnant again?

Before thinking about it should give themselves time to recover emotionally and physically well, usually it is advisable to wait at least 3 months just for the body to recover, however, everything depends on the type of intervention that has undergone to treat ectopic pregnancy. The decision to conceive varies from woman to woman, because each one takes this experience differently. Some want to conceive immediately, others take some time, and other difficult to want to think about it. The reality is that the possibility of there being another ectopic pregnancy exists, but the likelihood of having a healthy pregnancy also exists, and it is great. It all depends on what is reality, and what feels best for you.


1 comentário:

  1. I had an ectopic pregnancy back in 2006. I found out I was pregnant at the doctor's office after having flu like symptoms and breast tenderness/soreness. It was my 1st pregnancy and I was 21 years old. My then husband and I were very excited. One night I got up to use the bathroom and saw blood on the tissue. I didn't think too much of it because I heard from family members women can spot while pregnant, but I also noticed a knot formation on the lower left side of my abdomen. I guess it was wishing thinking, but I wanted to be pregnant so bad I ignored these warnings signs. The following afternoon I felt the worse pain I had ever felt in my life on the left side of my lower abdomen. It was a terrible shooting pain; it felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife. After an hour or so the pain subsided. My then husband came home from work I knew we had to go to the ER. The doctor asked me a few questions and I told him about the symptoms and pain I was experiencing. He looked at me with concerned eyes and left the room. Then the ER nurse came to my bed with an IV and about 12 hours later I was in surgery having my left fallopian tube removed. I was extremely saddened by the ordeal. And I became depressed. But it was truly a miracle that my fallopian tube didn't burst because I was far along in my pregnancy, about eight weeks. Now today my breasts have that same tenderness I felt five ago, I am going to go take a pregnancy test after work. If I am pregnant, I'm going straight to urgent care just to be on the safe side. I just want to encourage each and every one of you, life isn't over if you have an ectopic pregnancy or even a double one. I told myself if can't get pregnant I will adopt so that I can give a child all the love its needs even if I didn't give birth to them.
