The effects of caffeine on pregnancy
One of the most consumed substances in the world, including by pregnant women, is caffeine. Caffeine is found not only in coffee but also in colas, in teas, chocolate and some medications.As foods containing caffeine are quite consumed by pregnant mothers is important to consider the effects that this drug brings mother and baby. About 95% of pregnant women ingest caffeine, either by feeding or by medication.
There is evidence that high caffeine consumption by the mother during pregnancy can increase the chances of the baby being born prematurely, with low birth weight and increased risk of miscarriage.What moms need to know is that the organism takes four to six hours to metabolize caffeine, i.e. it takes about six hours to remove the effects of caffeine in the body. Already a pregnant woman takes 18 hours to do the same.
There are more factors that lead experts to be against caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Caffeine can easily cross the placental barrier and influence the growth and development of fetal cells, compromising fetal oxygen supplement and amend the instructions for cell replication and can cause the baby to be born with abnormalities.
Calmly this time - But pregnant women need not be hair standing afraid your baby is born before time or with any changes since drank a few cups of coffee, cola took on the anniversary of her friend.According to the study dietitian Rita Adriana Gomes de Souza, caffeine consumption at low doses does not bring harm to pregnancy nor to the developing baby.
The Rating Agency Food English states that a pregnant woman can consume up to 300mg of caffeine per day, the equivalent of four cups of coffee (75 mg of caffeine per cup) or three fresh coffee (100 mg per cup) or six tea cups (50 mg each) or eight cans of soda or 400 grams of chocolate.
However, always consult your doctor for that caffeine consumption does not harm your pregnancy and your baby.
Before you get pregnant now decrease the consumption of caffeine to get used to the smaller daily amount and not harm the developing baby.
Prior to satisfy their desires, remember the baby that is forming inside you.
The ideal is to talk with the doctor very reliable and know what his opinion about caffeine consumption.
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