sábado, 3 de novembro de 2012

Can a girl get pregnant on her period

Can a girl get pregnant on her period???

It is possible, but very rare. It would be necessary to have a very short menstrual cycle--the period between the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the following--so that the date of ovulation is very close from the time of initial, or a bleeding menstruation that lasts a lot.

Conception occurs when an egg and a sperm meet in one of the fallopian tubes. Sometime in the middle of a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, usually between the 12th and the 16th day, an egg matures into one of the ovaries. The ovary then releases the egg up to the abdomen, where it is quickly picked up by the opening of the tulip-shaped Horn (or fallopian tube).

An egg can survive in for about 12:0 am after being released by the ovary. Therefore, the only way to get pregnant is if a sperm is present in the region during this interval. If the egg is not fertilized, he cuts along with the uterine wall during menstruation.

Generally, when you gets, another ovum is already developing in preparation for the restart cycle. But the point is that the cycle of each woman has a different duration.

Many have 28 day cycles, while others only 22. In this case, it is possible to ovulate a few days after menstruation begins. And whereas the sperm can stay alive in the reproductive tract for up to three days, it is theoretically conceivable to have an encounter with the mature ovum.

For example: you became unwell on April 1st. and had sex on day 7, when he was still bleeding a little. And ovulated on day 10. The sperm can survive inside and "catch" the egg, and then you will get "pregnant unwell".

It is still possible to confuse a little bleeding between periods (in the fertile period) with a period of fact. If you have some bleeding of this kind, please do not hesitate to find a gynecologist.

The time it takes for an egg to ripen in the ovaries varies, so the day of ovulation can change enough. There's even ovulation of pharmacy which measure the fertile period through estrogen levels, instead of maximum amount of luteinizing hormone, or LH, the substance that causes the output of the egg inside the follicle. If this is considered, the fertile period can seem that starts a little earlier in the cycle.

Ectopic Pregnancy Definition

Ectopic Pregnancy Definition

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy complication that occurs when the fertilized egg implants in a tissue outside of the uterus. Usually an ectopic pregnancy arises in one of the fallopian tubes (egg canals that lead to the ovary uterus), being known as a tubal pregnancy. Can sometimes arise in the abdomen, ovary or cervix (cervix). An ectopic pregnancy cannot survive, and the growing tissue can be responsible for the destruction of some nearby structures as well as lead to great losses of blood and put women's lives at risk. This type of complication happens 1/100 pregnancies.

How to get pregnant fast?
Factors contributing to an ectopic pregnancy

There are several factors that can contribute to an ectopic pregnancy, however this complication can arise even in the absence of risk factors. The greatest risk factors are:

-An ectopic pregnancy passed
-Anatomical abnormalities in the fallopian tubes
-A history of pelvic inflammatory diseases like chlamydia
-Tubal surgery, as the reversal of a sterilization process
-Design for taking the pill or IUD use
-Fertility treatment, such as ovulation induction or IVF


An ectopic pregnancy can seem like a normal pregnancy the home-pregnancy test gives positive and the initial symptoms can be similar: lack of time, tautness, nausea and fatigue. Among others, the most common symptoms are:

Some vaginal bleeding especially if it's dark and watery
Abdominal pain
Cramping on one side of the pelvis
Palpable painful mass on horns or ovaries

If the fallopian tube to rupture symptoms include:

Acute pain in the pelvis, abdomen, shoulder or neck.
Lightheaded and falling blood pressure

If you experience some of these symptoms should contact a doctor urgently. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening, especially if it occurs in one of the fallopian tubes, which can cause rupture, causing internal bleeding.
Diagnosis and tests

If there is any suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, a premature diagnosis is crucial. To confirm the diagnosis is necessary to do a pelvic examination confirming the pains and checking if there is some kind of mass in the fallopian tubes or ovaries. This diagnosis is confirmed by an ultrasound and transvaginal usually by blood tests. A larascopia may be useful to the doctor to check the fallopian tubes and the pelvis, confirming whether or not the diagnosis.

To ensure the health and life of women, the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is ectopic tissue removal. If the ectopic pregnancy is detected at an early stage, can be given medications to prevent cell growth and dissolve the remaining existing cells. After administration of these medicines is monitored through blood tests to check if the hormones that indicate a pregnancy still exist in blood or not.

If the ectopic pregnancy not to respond to drug treatments or if you are in a more advanced state, a laparoscopy may be needed. It will require a small incision in the lower abdomen, and then inserted a small tube with a camera on the end to observe the area and to remove the ectopic tissue. If the damage is significant it may be necessary to remove the fallopian tube. If the bleeding is very large and the fallopian tube has been a disruption, you may need to do an abdominal incision. In some cases the tube can be repaired.

When you have an ectopic pregnancy, the risks also come with it. The treatment of an ectopic pregnancy can lead to loss of reproductive organs, or even to infertility. If you removed one of the fallopian tubes the probability of becoming pregnant decreases by 50%. If you treat the risks are even greater, since there could be internal bleeding that can lead to life-threatening. Usually after having an ectopic pregnancy is likely to have another if you decide to get pregnant is 15 to 20%. In this case, it is usually advised to do an early ultrasound at around 7 weeks of gestation, to determine if the pregnancy is ectopic or not.

An ectopic pregnancy cannot be properly prevent, however can decrease the risk factors by limiting the number of sexual partners use condoms during sexual intercourse to prevent risks of communicable diseases and infectious diseases.

The reality is that probably before knowing she was with an ectopic pregnancy, found that her pregnancy was a normal pregnancy, and the sense of loss is something inevitable. The loss that can feel can vary, your body will be in great hormonal changes, which can make you feel very emotional and fragile. If the tears and sadness to invade is not surprised, this is normal. May take some time until you feel stabilized, but be generous and give time to time, and don't forget to share your feelings with whom you love.
Get pregnant again?

Before thinking about it should give themselves time to recover emotionally and physically well, usually it is advisable to wait at least 3 months just for the body to recover, however, everything depends on the type of intervention that has undergone to treat ectopic pregnancy. The decision to conceive varies from woman to woman, because each one takes this experience differently. Some want to conceive immediately, others take some time, and other difficult to want to think about it. The reality is that the possibility of there being another ectopic pregnancy exists, but the likelihood of having a healthy pregnancy also exists, and it is great. It all depends on what is reality, and what feels best for you.


Is it true that pregnant womans can not dye her hair?

Is it true that pregnant womans can not dye her hair?


The little that is known indicates that it is probably safe to dye your hair during pregnancy. The Organization of Teratology Information Services (Otis), an international network that disseminates data about possible risks in pregnancy, States that there are no reports of that hair dyes have entailed major changes in pregnancy. The Agency also points out that very little of the chemistry of the ink is actually absorbed by the body. Other studies that show possible harmful effects are still not definitive.

Anyway, it doesn't cost anything to sin by excess and try to wait as much as possible, to return to paint your hair.

The obstetrician Rosa Maria Ruocco, Hospital das Clínicas, advises not to dye their hair at least in the first trimester of pregnancy, because it is a larger phase formation of fetal tissues and organs. For her, "preferably, the good is to wait until 20 weeks".

The doctor also has some tips for those who are not holding on the visual, or white hair: use tints (that have short duration), lights and reflections--because they are products that barely touch the scalp, they can be applied from the second half of pregnancy with greater security.

"I advise the pure henna, which seems to have no influence on the fetal development", says the obstetrician.

If you want to apply a natural product, keep an eye out for buying a pure henna, and not mixed with other chemicals, that end up being the same thing as the dyes. Check out the label.

When choosing a salon to dye your hair, make sure to choose a well ventilated place to not overexpose to chemical vapors during application. The same goes for the home application, which should go straight to the manufacturer's instructions and last for the shortest time possible. Be sure to wear gloves and rinse hair thoroughly after.

Waxing And Pregnancy

Waxing And Pregnancy !!!

In a general way if you use wax and you are not too sensitive to pain there isn't any problem. You may feel more sensitive because  increased flow of blood coursing through the body, especially in the vaginal area, and may suffer more than usual in the hour of waxing.

"Both the hot wax as the cold will not do harm to the mother or the baby, but you have to be very careful with the hygiene of the place where women shave because, yes it can be factor transmitter of diseases , "says obstetrician Daniela Maeyama, Hospital and Maternity in Sao Paulo.
To avoid problems, make sure that the wax used on you is not reused for other customers (even hot) and that all material used is disposable.

Dr. Daniela recommends to his patients to avoid depilatory creams because they are stronger chemicals, which may contain ammonia in the formula and move on to the mother's bloodstream and thus to the developing baby.
You may also use razor blade, but keep in mind that during pregnancy there is more chances you have ingrown hairs, which can annoy enough.

Procedures for permanent hair removal, such as laser or electrolysis, are in principle safe but are not recommended during pregnancy because the hormonal change can cause darkening of the skin at the site of applications. Other techniques, involving the inclusion of chemicals at the location where increased, are not advisable.

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

Caffeine and pregnancy

The effects of caffeine on pregnancy

One of the most consumed substances in the world, including by pregnant women, is caffeine. Caffeine is found not only in coffee but also in colas, in teas, chocolate and some medications.As foods containing caffeine are quite consumed by pregnant mothers is important to consider the effects that this drug brings mother and baby. About 95% of pregnant women ingest caffeine, either by feeding or by medication.
There is evidence that high caffeine consumption by the mother during pregnancy can increase the chances of the baby being born prematurely, with low birth weight and increased risk of miscarriage.What moms need to know is that the organism takes four to six hours to metabolize caffeine, i.e. it takes about six hours to remove the effects of caffeine in the body. Already a pregnant woman takes 18 hours to do the same.
There are more factors that lead experts to be against caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Caffeine can easily cross the placental barrier and influence the growth and development of fetal cells, compromising fetal oxygen supplement and amend the instructions for cell replication and can cause the baby to be born with abnormalities.
Calmly this time - But pregnant women need not be hair standing afraid your baby is born before time or with any changes since drank a few cups of coffee, cola took on the anniversary of her friend.According to the study dietitian Rita Adriana Gomes de Souza, caffeine consumption at low doses does not bring harm to pregnancy nor to the developing baby.
The Rating Agency Food English states that a pregnant woman can consume up to 300mg of caffeine per day, the equivalent of four cups of coffee (75 mg of caffeine per cup) or three fresh coffee (100 mg per cup) or six tea cups (50 mg each) or eight cans of soda or 400 grams of chocolate.
However, always consult your doctor for that caffeine consumption does not harm your pregnancy and your baby.
Before you get pregnant now decrease the consumption of caffeine to get used to the smaller daily amount and not harm the developing baby.
Prior to satisfy their desires, remember the baby that is forming inside you.
The ideal is to talk with the doctor very reliable and know what his opinion about caffeine consumption.

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012

Pregnancy week by week video

 Pregnancy week by week video

For those parents who are waiting for a new baby in the family nothing better to watch this great collection of videos showing pregnancy week by week in video and pictures.
Go get the popcorns (yeah the baby will like popcorns too)

First trimester, 1 to 9 weeks

Week by week calendar

Week by week calendar--»Pregnancy Week by Week

Congratulations! Pregnancy is an unforgettable time, but with so much pregnancy information available in books, in magazines, and on websites, how can you hope to cover it all before giving birth?
We've made it easy for you to get all the pregnancy info you need in one place. Our illustrated pregnancy calendar is a detailed guide to all the changes taking place in your baby — and in you!
Each week of pregnancy includes a description of your baby's development, as well as an explanation of the changes taking place in your body. You'll also find important medical info that will help keep you and your baby healthy.

I found this great article about knowing better all the pregnancy stages.
I am sharing with you, and i think this have an amazing value for all the mommies,hope you enjoy to read as much i enjoy.
Please always leave your comments and opinions to share with other readers,if you have any doubts maybe someone can help you out. 

Another common term you'll hear throughout your pregnancy is trimester. A pregnancy is divided into trimesters:
  • the first trimester is from week 1 to the end of week 12
  • the second trimester is from week 13 to the end of week 26
  • the third trimester is from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy
Click on each week
Pregnancy Chart Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10 Week 11Week 12Week 13Week 14Week 15Week 16Week 17Week 18Week 19Week 20 Week 21Week 22Week 23Week 24Week 25Week 26Week 27Week 28Week 29Week 30 Week 31Week 32Week 33Week 34Week 35Week 36Week 37Week 38Week 39Week 40 Pregnancy Chart
Pregnancy Chart

Pregnancy pains

Pregnancy pains
From the softest to the most painful. "The pain in pregnancy changes are usual, but not mandatory," explains Daniela Maeyama, obstetrician and gynecologist at Hospital Sao Luiz in Sao Paulo, and specialist in human reproduction. There are several factors that contribute to the appearance, such as maternal weight and fitness, and the size of the baby and the woman fattening over prenatal care. check the most frequent.

1 - Pain in breasts
This discomfort is common, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. At that stage, the breasts swell. The reason? They are preparing for breastfeeding. "Not all pregnant women complain about that. For some, it becomes imperceptible," says the obstetrician and gynecologist Daniela Maeyama. Besides the size, the breasts still suffer other changes, not painful, but noticeable, as the darkening of the nipple and the areola and increased local blood supply.

2 - Pelvic Pain
Quite common, it happens because of growth and hardening of the uterus during pregnancy. "Most of the time, is not related to any disease, but with the contractions that women have during pregnancy," explains Mariano Tamura, gynecologist and obstetrician at Albert Einstein Hospital . This pain intensity and location varies according to the period of pregnancy. "Increases especially when the baby starts descent from top to bottom of the basin,"

3 - Backache
The discomfort is due to the weight of the belly, as the pregnancy progresses. To sustain the body, it is natural that women change its axis, projects the chest forward and spread legs. "It is a new position that the body is for balance. And it strong enough muscles of the lower back," says Mariano Tamura. That is, it's a pain totally predictable.

4 - Pain in the groin
"They appear usually around the 26th week and occurs because, at that stage, the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid already added considerable weight on the pelvis," explains Daniela Maeyama obstetrician. This overload the muscles and compresses them with vessels and nerves. Insofar as pregnancy progresses, so the discomfort tends to increase. "After 34 weeks, the weight is even greater. At this stage, babies are gain 300g every seven days," added the gynecologist at Hospital Sao Luiz. How to reduce the problem? With enough rest. Also make use of some specific types of belt for pregnant women. In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

5 - Headache
"The pattern of hormonal pregnancy predisposes women to have drowsiness and malaise. But the headache itself," explains Mariano obstetrician Tamura. What can happen is the increasing swelling, fluid buildup that affects the whole body. Because of this, the pregnant woman is more prone to have, for example, sinusitis and hence a headache. "The headache may also occur in the first weeks after conception due to hormonal adaptation phase and especially in women with a history of frequent headaches and migraine,"  Still, it's a warning: if permanent and severe, the pain should be investigated to make sure that there is nothing worse.

6 - Colic
The cramps are normal and are present in every moment of pregnancy. Initially, it is linked to the growth of the uterus and after the contractions. "But it should always be reported to the doctor. If you feel severe cramping accompanied by vaginal bleeding," warns the obstetrician Mariano Tamura.

Remember that, depending on the time of pregnancy, cramps may signal that the time is coming the baby is born. "At the end of pregnancy, it is common to feel mild cramping and short-term, but if they are continuous, last more than 45 seconds and rhythmic (one every three minutes), it can be a sign that a woman is going into labor childbirth, "says Daniela Maeyama.

7 - Articulations pain
The articulation pain are associated with the accumulation of fluid in the articulations, common in this phase. And that causes pain because it leaves some pinched nerves, and impair the mobility of the fingers. "So it is very common to feel pain or numbness in the extremities, very common in the hands and may even let the woman more embarrassed," explains Mariano Tamura.

8 - Leg pain
A pregnant woman's body burden and especially your cardiovascular system. And that's where the bumps appear and leg pain. "The movement is slower," explains Daniela Maeyane obstetrician. In the heat, the swelling becomes more evident and brings home a great benefit. What helps this stage: practice a physical activity such as walking, the use of elastic stockings from mild to medium compression, physical therapy and lymphatic drainage. "Fluid intake stimulates kidney function and this also contributes to the reduction of swelling" recommends Daniela. It should also avoid salty foods.

9 - Stomach Pains
Think in pregnancy, every day that the baby grows, there is less space within you. So it is so common that tight feeling in the stomach. In this phase, also the digestive system slows down and thus the expectant mother feel filled with a smaller amount of food. The result are heartburn and reflux. To avoid this, doctors recommend that pregnant women eat small amounts at short intervals. "Do not lie down immediately after a meal, especially at night. On the same mechanical issues. This position, the food is easier to come back," advises the gynecologist Mariano Tamura.

False pregnancy symptoms

False pregnancy symptoms

Everyone knows that lack of menstruation, nausea and mood changes are the most blatant symptoms of pregnancy and all women stays alarmed when they appear at the wrong time. But they do not always indicate that a new life is coming and should last for the entire period of gestation. See when each of these symptoms should appear and other causes that can cause them:

- Lack of Menstruation: throughout pregnancy. It can happen when you lose a lot of weight in a short time or hormonal disturbances.

- Nausea and vomiting: place the first three months of pregnancy. But it may be stomach problems, stress or food poisoning.

- Swollen breasts: occurs in the first month of pregnancy. Hormonal problems, proximity of menstruation and birth control pills can cause the same effect.

- Will you go to the bathroom all the time: after 2 months of pregnancy the bladder is compressed and needs to be emptied more often. However, diabetes, urinary tract infection food diuretics leave the same symptoms.

Help me getting pregnant...How to get pregnant fast UK

You are Crazy to have a baby? Here are six tricks to increase your chances of getting pregnant so start trying.

(Note: To reduce the risk of birth defects in the baby, it is recommended that you start taking a folic acid supplement at least one month before trying to conceive. Here's what else you can already start doing before pregnancy to have a healthy child.)

Trick 1: 
 Find out when you are ovulating
The biggest secret is to get pregnant soon to know exactly when you are ovulating, ie when one of their two ovaries are releasing an egg. Think this egg like a target, and imagine the sperm like arrows: for you to get pregnant, one of the arrows that have hit the target.

There are several methods to help you discover if you are in the fertile period. One is our ovulation calculator. Read more about how your menstrual cycle.

But if you notice that your periods have been very irregular in recent months, may be more difficult to identify ovulation. See what other methods to detect ovulation and consult your doctor to know the best way to proceed.

Trick 2:
Be in the right place at the right time
Once you know the date of ovulation, prepare yourself (and list your partner) to have sex during your most fertile days. You can start three days before and continuing until after the expected date of ovulation. (Start a little earlier also does not hurt, some pregnant women have sex until six days before ovulation.)

As the sperm survive in your body for a few days, you have a good amount of time to try to conceive. This means that if you have intercourse on a Monday, the sperm will stay in her reproductive system, waiting for an egg, until Thursday. Or until Sunday, in some cases. But remember: your egg only survives for about a day.

If you do not know when ovulation will occur, follow the good old rule of having sex every other day not. So, every day you will have a healthy supply of sperm waiting in the fallopian tubes, ready to spring into action when the egg appears.

(If you and your partner want to have sex more often than that, no problems. But know that it will not increase or decrease your chances of getting pregnant.)

Another tip: if for some reason you are waiting to go into action during the time of ovulation, do not let it happen after a long fast. Your partner must ejaculate at least once before the fertile period, but there may be an accumulation of dead sperm in the semen, and they do not serve to conceive a baby.

Trick 3:
After sex lay on bed.
For a long time, scientists had no proof that the woman stay lying down for a while after sex help the sperm to reach the egg.

But, in 2009, Dutch researchers found that in a fertility clinic in Amsterdam, women who remained lying on his back for 15 minutes after artificial insemination were 50% more likely to become pregnant than those who remained standing after procedure.

You can not prove that the same probability applies to sexual intercourse, but the study shows that lying can help the sperm to do their part. And anyway, no harm in trying.

No need to keep your legs up, just lying on side is enough.

Trick 4:
 Enjoy this moment of anticipation
If you hurry to get pregnant, you can end up feeling too anxious with the things that really matter. This is normal, but the truth is that the odds are greater if you are not stressed. This is because the hypothalamus - the gland in the brain that regulates ovulation hormones - does not work so well when you're nervous, causing your body ends ovulating later or even not release an egg that cycle.

So try to do my best to enjoy this phase and all this "hill" carefree sex. Make funny sex - instead of just thinking about making a baby - can even increase your chances of getting pregnant. And if you're thinking of ways to spice up the relationship, good news: there is a position that is better than the other to get pregnant. All are equally effective.

Trick 5
 Prepare the ground for super spermatozoides
Sperm are more likely to fertilize an egg the more healthy they are strong and plentiful. There are several ways to help your partner to improve sperm quality:

- Cut alcohol (studies show that drinking daily can reduce testosterone levels, lower sperm count and increase the number of faulty cells).

- Declare war on smoking (smoking can reduce the quality of sperm).

- Eat more foods rich in zinc, folic acid, calcium and vitamins C and D (they help produce many sperm strong and fast).

- Avoid very hot baths and sauna, since the heat eliminates the spermatozoa (testes work best at a temperature between 34.4 and 35 degrees Celsius, slightly less than normal body temperature). Staying too long with the laptop on the lap increases the temperature of the testes, as well as riding a bike too.

The sooner your partner to adopt these changes, the better. New sperm can take up to three months to produce.
And Finally the last tip how to get fast pregnant...
Trick 6: 
Also Prepare yourself
Your chances of having a healthy pregnancy and a baby are greater if your body and your life are ready for the task. Before you start trying to get pregnant, see your gynaecologist or primary care physician to see if it's okay with your ovulation and if their immunizations are up to date.

You will also greatly help to decrease or cut the consumption of alcoholic beverages and stop smoking and using drugs. All these substances interfere negatively in their fertility and are also dangerous to the fetus.

Consider the hypothesis also cut out caffeine. Some studies show that women who take more than one or two cups of coffee a day are less likely to get pregnant.

If everything results i believe that you will start felling your first pregnancy symptoms or first pregnancy sings in a few weeks.
T hats my time to say Congratulations Dear Momie and Dad 

quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012

First Pregnancy Signs- Early Pregnancy Syptoms

 Am I Pregnant?

Knowing that you are pregnant can be a joy or a concern or a little of both. Whatever your situation, we are here to help you with answers to your questions about pregnancy and advise you on what to do next.

Symptoms of pregnancyThere are various pregnancy symptoms that may point to the possibility of being pregnant. They are different depending on the woman and the pregnancy.

If you are pregnant, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms. Do not worry, it is not likely to feel all at the same time.

It should also not worry if you do not feel any of them. It is perfectly possible to be pregnant without realizing any of the 'classic' signs of pregnancy listed below.

Classic symptoms of pregnancy 
  • Lack of menstrual period. This is the first and most reliable sign if your monthly cycle is regular. Although it is possible that it smudges of blood or a slight bleeding near the start day for the period, despite being pregnant.

  • If your menstrual cycle is not regular, you may notice some of the other symptoms of pregnancy before giving the lack of menstruation.

  • Tiredness. You may feel unusually tired in the first weeks of pregnancy. This is due probably to higher levels of progesterone.

  • Sickness. You may feel sick and even vomit, between about the 2nd and 3rd weeks of pregnancy. Although it is often referred to as morning sickness can happen at any time of day or night.

  • Changes in the chest. You may notice that your chest is bigger, more sensitive, more sore (as some women feel appear before menstruation), in the first weeks of pregnancy. The veins of the chest can become more noticeable and the nozzles darker.

  • Going to the bathroom more often. Approximately 6-8 weeks after becoming pregnant, may have to get up at night to go to the bathroom. Some pregnant women also have small 'loss' when they cough, laugh or sneeze.

  • Stress and mood changes. You may feel rapid mood swings during early pregnancy, sometimes even crying without knowing why. This is probably due to the changes in hormone levels in your body.

  • Changing tastes in food. You may find that sickened things like tea, coffee or fatty foods. Some women also feel desire for certain foods that normally do not appreciate.

If you think you may be pregnant and you notice these symptoms, you should do a pregnancy test.