Can a girl get pregnant on her period???
It is possible, but very rare. It
would be necessary to have a very short menstrual cycle--the period
between the first day of menstruation until the beginning of the
following--so that the date of ovulation is very close from the time of
initial, or a bleeding menstruation that lasts a lot.
Conception occurs when an egg and a sperm meet in one of the fallopian tubes. Sometime
in the middle of a typical 28-day menstrual cycle, usually between the
12th and the 16th day, an egg matures into one of the ovaries. The
ovary then releases the egg up to the abdomen, where it is quickly
picked up by the opening of the tulip-shaped Horn (or fallopian tube).
An egg can survive in for about 12:0 am after being released by the ovary. Therefore, the only way to get pregnant is if a sperm is present in the region during this interval. If the egg is not fertilized, he cuts along with the uterine wall during menstruation.
Generally, when you gets, another ovum is already developing in preparation for the restart cycle. But the point is that the cycle of each woman has a different duration.
Many have 28 day cycles, while others only 22. In this case, it is possible to ovulate a few days after menstruation begins. And
whereas the sperm can stay alive in the reproductive tract for up to
three days, it is theoretically conceivable to have an encounter with
the mature ovum.
For example: you became unwell on April 1st. and had sex on day 7, when he was still bleeding a little. And ovulated on day 10. The sperm can survive inside and "catch" the egg, and then you will get "pregnant unwell".
It is still possible to confuse a little bleeding between periods (in the fertile period) with a period of fact. If you have some bleeding of this kind, please do not hesitate to find a gynecologist.
The time it takes for an egg to ripen in the ovaries varies, so the day of ovulation can change enough. There's
even ovulation of pharmacy which measure the fertile period through
estrogen levels, instead of maximum amount of luteinizing hormone, or
LH, the substance that causes the output of the egg inside the follicle.
If this is considered, the fertile period can seem that starts a little earlier in the cycle.